The End of The Year became hectic and thus was my list, late as per usual but some goodun's
1) Eugene Mcguinness – The Early Learning’s of…
A mini album yes, but that never stopped iLiKETRAiNS last year, and it won’t stop Eugene McGuiness. This reflected my views, my feelings and hopes, childlike in its delivery but with an ounce of humanity and courage, McGuiness delivers 8 songs of delight, very special.
2) Windmill – Puddle City Racing Lights
Captivating in its entirely, Windmills debut is special for his haunting vocals and brilliant musical shapes, just its beauty at the criticism of the human condition, special, special indeed.
3) Art Brut – its Bit Complicated
Almost an escape from the last album, covered in maturity and immaturity it’s almost a record dictating an order, a charm that can’t be heralded, maybe it can be applauded for staying together, a truly redundant diamond among others, it’s crass, happy and go lucky….
4) Crippled Black Phoenix – A Love of Shared Disasters
A haunting almost sceptical appearance of despair and hope, this was overbearing at times but brilliant. A Love of Shared Disasters was clinical in its hearing, and most of all special, haunting masterpiece.
5) Field Music – Tones of Town
Field Music are a band who have simmered for years yet now have burst upon the scene, but Tones of Town silently achieved that. For two people it created a buzz, an interest and something much more exciting than most.
6) Joy Electric – The Otherly Opus
Electro at it’s most inventive; Otherly Opus was one of the most intriguing and interesting records of 2007, from the title track to stand out “write your last paragraph”, it stood out like black on white.
7) Radiohead – In Rainbows
One word for this record………sublime from the opening beeps of 15 steps to the closing aching piano of Videotape, In Rainbows is sublime.
8) Rilo Kiley – Under The Blacklight
Rilo Kiley went pop and pretentious indie types went all horrified and even people who are just slightly tasteful. Much like the Goldfrapp turn of the earlier naughties Rilo Kiley went pop and most went aghast, I frankly loved it and I’ll stand by that statement till the day I die.
9) Microfilm – Stereodrama
Microfilm, yes you’re possibly asking who? Well at number 9 and possibly the first band to include movie sound like clips over amazing cascades of sweeping delights Microfilm are spanking, did I say spanking yes I think I did.
10) Le Loup - The Throne of the Third Heaven Of The Nations' Millennium General Assembly
Possibly the longest record title this year and one of the quaintest most surprising records too, Le Loup are quite quintessential in their post rock movements silence is golden yet sparse, a remarkable journey and yet very very enjoyable.
11) iLiKETRAiNS – Elegies to the lesson learnt
“Welcoming Armageddon with strings and horns”
12) Bear Colony – We Came Here To Die
“Remarkably special in a culture of boredom, destruction and despair” (Trademarked)
13) Animal Collective – Strawberry Jam
“Mishmash washes of colour, heart and destruction”
14) Polytechnic – Down Til Dawn
“It’s a pop album to all intents and purposes but it’s sung in a heart that’s at odds with its cheery persona, quite the quality.”
15) Help She Can’t Swim – The Death of Nightlife
“Falling Over and Succeeding”
16) Patrick Wolf – The Magic Position
“The heart aching beauty that Wolf creates is a treasure, his vocal is distinctive, his work enchanting and his heart continuously sits on his sleeve.”
17) Gravenhurst – The Western Lands
“It includes most of what is expected; loss, anger, sadness but a rarity for Nick Talbot it holds hope”
18) Bruce Springsteen – Magic
“Not a classic of Springsteen’s but rarely could you say it missed the mark.”
19) Strange Death Liberal of England – Forward March!
“A mess of joyfulness”
20) Battles – Mirrored
“Still for all the pointless over kill of the odd track, Mirrored holds it’s own.”
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