The singles i felt worthy of being mentioned this year are:
1) Hot Puppies – King of England
Hardly a known classic, it barely registered on the dial, in fact I heard it only once on radio, but the figures hardly matter for this fan only stop gap single was certainly special, certainly exciting and in the year of new rave, not one synth was noticeable.
2) Blood Red Shoes – Its Getting Boring by the Sea
It’s getting boring by the sea is the coming of age single by Blood Red Shoes, the previous singles though showing of promise were scrappy and lacked the maturity that It’s getting boring by the sea has in abundance, it’s quality is in it’s heart in its sound and in its soul.
3) Elle Milano – My Brother, the Astronaut
Elle Milano gained an album lost a band member and released a brilliant slice of musical goodness. In 2007 Elle Milano were inactive for most the part, recording the album behind doors and finishing off degrees, My Brother, The Astronaut was born from the sessions and though not as instant as previous attempts, it grew and grew and became a stunner.
4) Lightspeed Champion – Galaxy of the Lost
Test Icles were frankly shit, a band who admitted as much split after a few singles and an album of beautiful failures. Dev Hynes one part of the Test Icles has comeback and far from being useless Galaxy of the Lost is sublime soaked acoustic social commentary and much more is expected in 2008.
5) Late of the Pier – Space in the Woods
Space in the woods was the first single by this 4 piece synthestias tagged with the ghastly NME scene “New Rave” Late of the Pier have the looks, the fashion and the moves to be written off, yet Space in the Woods and follow up single Bathroom Gurgle show substance beyond the style, and as they say shit hot just about sums them up.
6) Cajun Dance Party – Amylase
A child choir should never be used without exception, well except one and Amylase is that exception. An intro chanted in a ditty to blow the senses and a misunderstanding delivered in a childlike beauty.
7) Los Campesinos – You, Me Dancing
Some say twee, some say sick, some say pap I say pure pop of the sweetest kind. You, Me, Dancing is a lush epic 6 minute beauty, strange in its depth the Cardiff 6 piece delivered several pieces of outstanding pop in 2007, this was the greatest.
8) Foals – Mathletics
Hummer, Mathletics or indeed Balloons any of the three Foals singles could have been chosen. The oxford rejects are interesting, intriguing and in form the squealing intro in a stamp of action it’s stating fact, when in fact most of it’s nonsense.
9) Peter & the Pirates – Knots
Knots is a joyous foot stamping two minutes seventeen seconds tune that’s frantically played to the point that it seems there lives depend on it, which they do well sort of.
10) Shrag – Talk to the Left
More known for the name checked hit Mark E Smith, Shrag released this slice of sarcastic dialogue between a girl and a boy in the autumn months of the year. Talk to the Left is brilliantly clever in delivery of the acid tongue lyrics.
11) Beck – Timebomb
Tick Tick Tick Boom
12) Calvin Harris – Acceptable in the 80’s
Still acceptable in the noughties
13) I Was a Cub Scout – I Hate Nightclubs
Sarcastically sadistic in brilliance
14) Richard Hawley – The Night Belongs To Us
50’s slush lush rock and roll
15) The Be Be See – Disney Eyes
Dance Pop, Dance Pop, Dance Pop
16) Rosin Murphy – Overpowered
Sweet slush electro swirls sublime
17) Official Secrets Act – Snakes & Ladders
Up and Down, Up and Down success all the same
18) Strange Death of Liberal England – Oh Solitude
A total utopian bewilderment, brilliant.
19) XX Teens – Darlin’
Eccentrically daring, deliciously reliable
20) The Bee’s – Listening Man
Wistfully wandering on a summer’s day
1) Hot Puppies – King of England
Hardly a known classic, it barely registered on the dial, in fact I heard it only once on radio, but the figures hardly matter for this fan only stop gap single was certainly special, certainly exciting and in the year of new rave, not one synth was noticeable.
2) Blood Red Shoes – Its Getting Boring by the Sea
It’s getting boring by the sea is the coming of age single by Blood Red Shoes, the previous singles though showing of promise were scrappy and lacked the maturity that It’s getting boring by the sea has in abundance, it’s quality is in it’s heart in its sound and in its soul.
3) Elle Milano – My Brother, the Astronaut
Elle Milano gained an album lost a band member and released a brilliant slice of musical goodness. In 2007 Elle Milano were inactive for most the part, recording the album behind doors and finishing off degrees, My Brother, The Astronaut was born from the sessions and though not as instant as previous attempts, it grew and grew and became a stunner.
4) Lightspeed Champion – Galaxy of the Lost
Test Icles were frankly shit, a band who admitted as much split after a few singles and an album of beautiful failures. Dev Hynes one part of the Test Icles has comeback and far from being useless Galaxy of the Lost is sublime soaked acoustic social commentary and much more is expected in 2008.
5) Late of the Pier – Space in the Woods
Space in the woods was the first single by this 4 piece synthestias tagged with the ghastly NME scene “New Rave” Late of the Pier have the looks, the fashion and the moves to be written off, yet Space in the Woods and follow up single Bathroom Gurgle show substance beyond the style, and as they say shit hot just about sums them up.
6) Cajun Dance Party – Amylase
A child choir should never be used without exception, well except one and Amylase is that exception. An intro chanted in a ditty to blow the senses and a misunderstanding delivered in a childlike beauty.
7) Los Campesinos – You, Me Dancing
Some say twee, some say sick, some say pap I say pure pop of the sweetest kind. You, Me, Dancing is a lush epic 6 minute beauty, strange in its depth the Cardiff 6 piece delivered several pieces of outstanding pop in 2007, this was the greatest.
8) Foals – Mathletics
Hummer, Mathletics or indeed Balloons any of the three Foals singles could have been chosen. The oxford rejects are interesting, intriguing and in form the squealing intro in a stamp of action it’s stating fact, when in fact most of it’s nonsense.
9) Peter & the Pirates – Knots
Knots is a joyous foot stamping two minutes seventeen seconds tune that’s frantically played to the point that it seems there lives depend on it, which they do well sort of.
10) Shrag – Talk to the Left
More known for the name checked hit Mark E Smith, Shrag released this slice of sarcastic dialogue between a girl and a boy in the autumn months of the year. Talk to the Left is brilliantly clever in delivery of the acid tongue lyrics.
11) Beck – Timebomb
Tick Tick Tick Boom
12) Calvin Harris – Acceptable in the 80’s
Still acceptable in the noughties
13) I Was a Cub Scout – I Hate Nightclubs
Sarcastically sadistic in brilliance
14) Richard Hawley – The Night Belongs To Us
50’s slush lush rock and roll
15) The Be Be See – Disney Eyes
Dance Pop, Dance Pop, Dance Pop
16) Rosin Murphy – Overpowered
Sweet slush electro swirls sublime
17) Official Secrets Act – Snakes & Ladders
Up and Down, Up and Down success all the same
18) Strange Death of Liberal England – Oh Solitude
A total utopian bewilderment, brilliant.
19) XX Teens – Darlin’
Eccentrically daring, deliciously reliable
20) The Bee’s – Listening Man
Wistfully wandering on a summer’s day