O.T.W – The Pistolas
The first time I heard the Pistola’s I was on a post Bournemouth rampage night out, at one of the classiest joints, The Villa. I woke and stumbled out of a friend’s house, and upon needed noise I stumbled upon shuffle on the Ipod. Bang Bang Rock N Roll, furious fury of noise burst from the cheap 6.99 earphones, I was awoken from the daze, half taken, and half disgusted by what was quite clearly rock of the highest quality. It just so happens that the Pistola’s are a four piece that are described by themselves as punk-funk juggernaut from the old town famous for Mustard and Alan Partridge that is Norwich. On recent single Take a Kiss, The Pistolas showed the funk wings which had been claimed and its tune a devilish and sly stab at the times we live in. Terrifying but cute, hard but soft, hyped but justified, It’s like the rapture with guts, The Pistolas shooting out for love.
Band from the Blog – Shy Child
I heard a term once which maybe I made up but it was coined Electro Goodness (Copyrighted Mr Hurst), Shy Child are exactly that, brilliantly vibrant, modern sounding, and above all exceedingly great, just like Mr Kipling’s cakes (Copyrighted Mr Kipling). Noise Won’t Stop is a hark back to the 90’s but also sounds as modern and fresh as dance should, a tired genre the brashness of Electro and the retro vibes have breathed a new life in to what was being viewed upon as stale. A two piece New York outfit, Shy Child drag the balls of dance through a blender mixing the old with the new to produce a hybrid fucked up but highly enjoyable festival of fun. Human/Animal Hybrids, why not when this is so much fun.
Mac Chart
10 Amylase – Cajun Dance Party
9 Curse of Saul – Good Books
8 Take A Kiss – The Pistolas
7 Art of Being Sure – The Official Secrets Act
6 Lost Youth – We Are Performance
5 King of England – Hot Puppies
4 Late of The Pier – Bathroom Gargoyle
3 Can’t Sleep – Bobby Cook
2 Radio Nowhere – Bruce Springsteen
1 Okkervil River – Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe
From The Vault
Billy Bragg – The Internationale
1990 started a decade that many would class as peaceful, it had neither the lingering worry of communism or the overbearing factor of Middle Eastern terrorism, though much of the actions of the decade could be said as a forerunner to the fateful day in 2001, in which we woke and worried once more. The Internationale by Billy Bragg was a reminder almost to many that socialism was still a cause worth fighting, Britain had been let down and needed answers, they needed the policy to match the rhetoric of the Labour party. So on case Bragg kicked out a mix bag of songs with one common goal, that we should not throw the idea’s of socialism out with the failings of communism. Bragg’s version of the Internationale is now the preferred socialist singing at a many union conference and with it Bragg delivers a modern almost up to date style that New Labour would later deliver then railroad over. Elsewhere on the seven track album is the satirical biting The Marching Song of the Covert Battalions along with marching band sound and sarcastic Bragg vocals. Blake’s Jerusalem is beautiful and with the inclusion of a heart felt song to the people’s of Nicaragua it follows almost heartfelt but always passionate. The highlight is the last track a cover, My Youngest Son Came Home Today delivers the most poignant and poetic lines My Youngest Son Came Home Today/His friends Marched with him all the way , then delivering the almost heart crushing line In His Box of Polished Pine. A reminder if it was needed, that we need not to use turgid comrade rhetoric to be socialists.
Album of the Week
Gravenhurst – The Western Lands
Every Gravenhurst record seems to hint at a complete etching, his lyrics are darker than the deepest sea, his mind is cast on to the listener in songs sometimes too horrifyingly lost to even take in. However, though The Western Lands does not relent on such a talent, it seems also that Gravenhurst’s protagonist Nick Talbot can also write a mean melody. Take Trust for instance, its melody drifts along like a scenic coastline full of etched innocence, yet dark forlorn for it’s future is yet to be told. The Western Land is if to be honest full of the melody and the sadness, it’s truly remarkable that Nick Talbot can be as poetically beautiful and yet hold such a little band of admirers, maybe this is for the best.
Single of the Week
The Hot Puppies – King of England
King of England is the new limited edition almost mystical release by The Hot Puppies. As infectious as sea scurvy on a Puritan ship in the 17th century, King of England is delicious and all consuming. Like all great pop it bounces along never having to ask if it can intrude for its sweet and conscience of such a fact. Poeticising the art of control and the loss of innocence, the King is dead, long live the king.
The first time I heard the Pistola’s I was on a post Bournemouth rampage night out, at one of the classiest joints, The Villa. I woke and stumbled out of a friend’s house, and upon needed noise I stumbled upon shuffle on the Ipod. Bang Bang Rock N Roll, furious fury of noise burst from the cheap 6.99 earphones, I was awoken from the daze, half taken, and half disgusted by what was quite clearly rock of the highest quality. It just so happens that the Pistola’s are a four piece that are described by themselves as punk-funk juggernaut from the old town famous for Mustard and Alan Partridge that is Norwich. On recent single Take a Kiss, The Pistolas showed the funk wings which had been claimed and its tune a devilish and sly stab at the times we live in. Terrifying but cute, hard but soft, hyped but justified, It’s like the rapture with guts, The Pistolas shooting out for love.
Band from the Blog – Shy Child
I heard a term once which maybe I made up but it was coined Electro Goodness (Copyrighted Mr Hurst), Shy Child are exactly that, brilliantly vibrant, modern sounding, and above all exceedingly great, just like Mr Kipling’s cakes (Copyrighted Mr Kipling). Noise Won’t Stop is a hark back to the 90’s but also sounds as modern and fresh as dance should, a tired genre the brashness of Electro and the retro vibes have breathed a new life in to what was being viewed upon as stale. A two piece New York outfit, Shy Child drag the balls of dance through a blender mixing the old with the new to produce a hybrid fucked up but highly enjoyable festival of fun. Human/Animal Hybrids, why not when this is so much fun.
Mac Chart
10 Amylase – Cajun Dance Party
9 Curse of Saul – Good Books
8 Take A Kiss – The Pistolas
7 Art of Being Sure – The Official Secrets Act
6 Lost Youth – We Are Performance
5 King of England – Hot Puppies
4 Late of The Pier – Bathroom Gargoyle
3 Can’t Sleep – Bobby Cook
2 Radio Nowhere – Bruce Springsteen
1 Okkervil River – Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe
From The Vault
Billy Bragg – The Internationale
1990 started a decade that many would class as peaceful, it had neither the lingering worry of communism or the overbearing factor of Middle Eastern terrorism, though much of the actions of the decade could be said as a forerunner to the fateful day in 2001, in which we woke and worried once more. The Internationale by Billy Bragg was a reminder almost to many that socialism was still a cause worth fighting, Britain had been let down and needed answers, they needed the policy to match the rhetoric of the Labour party. So on case Bragg kicked out a mix bag of songs with one common goal, that we should not throw the idea’s of socialism out with the failings of communism. Bragg’s version of the Internationale is now the preferred socialist singing at a many union conference and with it Bragg delivers a modern almost up to date style that New Labour would later deliver then railroad over. Elsewhere on the seven track album is the satirical biting The Marching Song of the Covert Battalions along with marching band sound and sarcastic Bragg vocals. Blake’s Jerusalem is beautiful and with the inclusion of a heart felt song to the people’s of Nicaragua it follows almost heartfelt but always passionate. The highlight is the last track a cover, My Youngest Son Came Home Today delivers the most poignant and poetic lines My Youngest Son Came Home Today/His friends Marched with him all the way , then delivering the almost heart crushing line In His Box of Polished Pine. A reminder if it was needed, that we need not to use turgid comrade rhetoric to be socialists.
Album of the Week
Gravenhurst – The Western Lands
Every Gravenhurst record seems to hint at a complete etching, his lyrics are darker than the deepest sea, his mind is cast on to the listener in songs sometimes too horrifyingly lost to even take in. However, though The Western Lands does not relent on such a talent, it seems also that Gravenhurst’s protagonist Nick Talbot can also write a mean melody. Take Trust for instance, its melody drifts along like a scenic coastline full of etched innocence, yet dark forlorn for it’s future is yet to be told. The Western Land is if to be honest full of the melody and the sadness, it’s truly remarkable that Nick Talbot can be as poetically beautiful and yet hold such a little band of admirers, maybe this is for the best.
Single of the Week
The Hot Puppies – King of England
King of England is the new limited edition almost mystical release by The Hot Puppies. As infectious as sea scurvy on a Puritan ship in the 17th century, King of England is delicious and all consuming. Like all great pop it bounces along never having to ask if it can intrude for its sweet and conscience of such a fact. Poeticising the art of control and the loss of innocence, the King is dead, long live the king.